Whole School Curriculum

Ofsted (2022)
The quality of education is good at Lantern Lane. Subjects are enriched to make them come alive for pupils.
Ofsted (2022)
Across subjects pupils achieve consistently well. All pupils are given support to learn the same curriculum.
Ofsted (2022)
Leaders have adjusted the curriculum to ensure that pupils have been able to catch up following the three national lockdowns.
To discover more about the curriculum in each year group click here.
At Lantern Lane, we are committed to providing a broad and balanced curriculum that will support every child in our school to develop and succeed in line with our intended outcomes.
You can read our Intent Statement here which describes what we aim to achieve with our curriculum at Lantern Lane.
Click here to learn about our core subject offering in reading, writing, maths and science.
What type of curriculum have we planned?
We have chosen a knowledge-engaged curriculum because we believe it best meets the needs of the children in our school. At the heart of this curriculum is the idea that knowledge acquisition underpins the development of skills. Links are made between subjects where these are meaningful - allowing learners to put their growing knowledge into context.
How do we do this?
In EYFS, most intended topics are taught over half a term with links made, where appropriate, between both the prime and specific areas of learning. The specifics of what is taught will be directed - in part - by the children themselves and their particular interests. To find out more about the EYFS curriculum, please click here.
Learning in Year 1 to Year 6 is arranged termly and the children take a ‘learning journey’ that is enquiry led. The termly focus will be either history or geography whilst art and design technology learning will frequently be integrated. When relevant, further links to other subjects will be made in the interests of deepening understanding.
At Lantern Lane, this model has been chosen in support of our intent, recognising that it will:
• Enable our children to embed their knowledge, deepen their understanding and make links across areas of learning;
• Inspire a curious mind, giving our children the opportunity to think independently and evaluate what they see and hear in line with the related enquiry question;
• Enable our children to thrive in the future - regardless of change and challenges - because they have developed the right skills and knowledge.
Our Curriculum Overview is shown below: