Starting School at Lantern Lane
Lantern Lane are very lucky to have an on-site Nursery which is very much part of our whole school community. Transition from Nursery into Reception is smooth and we are able to ensure our youngest children get plenty of opportunities to familiarise themselves with our reception classes before they start school in September.
We recognise that it is important for you to come and look at a school to help you make a decision about where you would like to send you child so we organise opportunities for you to look round Lantern Lane with our Head Teacher. Please contact the School Office if you would like to join one of our open events.
All children start school full time and we are able to offer on-site wrap around care with our before and after school club run by ACE in our school hall.
Full details about starting in Reception can be found here.
If you would like to apply for a Nursery place, further details can be found here.
If you are looking to move schools due to relocation etc for any other year group, please click here.