Sports Premium
Sports Premium and How We Spend It:
The Government provides funding to each school to improve the quality of sport and PE for children in primary schools.
At Lantern Lane, we are committed to ensuring appropriate and relevant PE provision for all of our children in line with our intent statement that promotes the development of 'healthy bodies and minds'. Both the PE curriculum - and the range of extra-curricular activities on offer - are a vital part of this intent but also play an important role in the children developing our C.A.R.E values.
Promoting an active lifestyle is supported by introducing children to a wide range of different sports and activities, promoting the message that there are many ways to improve fitness and that fun & enjoyment are important elements in our choice.
Below, you can see the different 'active' choices, funded partly through the Sports Premium, that children experience during their time at Lantern Lane:
To discover more about the Year 3s' Forest Schools experience, please click here.
The reports below gives details of the funding we have received and how we choose to spend this together with the impact being seen:
Sports Premium - Intended spend for 23/24
Sports Premium - 22/23 Impact Statement
Sports Premium - Spend for 22/23
Sports Premium - 21/22 Impact Statement