Our SENCo at Lantern Lane is Mrs Nuala Thompson; you can contact her here.
At Lantern Lane, we are proud of our reputation as an inclusive school and strive to meet the needs of all in our school community.
We successfully provide for children with a wide range of special educational needs and disabilities. This includes children with a variety of physical needs; children with communication and interaction difficulties; children with speech and language difficulties; children with specific learning difficulties, such as dyslexia; children with social, emotional and mental health needs, and those with very specific conditions.
Staff at Lantern Lane seek to identify the needs of pupils with SEND as early as possible, gathering information from those who know the child best: parents; education, health and care services, and early years settings, where applicable. Where SEND is identified prior to a child starting school, we will work very closely with all the parties involved to ensure that the needs of the child are understood and a clear transition plan is in place. Once the child has joined us, rigorous monitoring by the adults working with them is the foundation of ensuring that they reach their potential.
As a school, we engage very proactively with support and training from specialist SEND services, where appropriate. All teachers at Lantern Lane see themselves as teachers of special needs and we believe in the importance of good quality classroom teaching. We supplement this with carefully planned small group and 1-1 interventions (that may, at times, take place outside of the classroom). We also recognise that some of our children may need a more nurturing approach and, where this is the case, our provision reflects this.
For further information about how we support children identified with SEND at Lantern Lane, please look at the following documents.
Click here to access the Nottinghamshire Local Offer website - Notts Help Yourself