School Uniform

The staff and governors of Lantern Lane Primary & Nursery School consider wearing school uniform embeds the C.A.R.E. values of our school. There is a school dress code and we expect all children to be tidily and sensibly dressed in line with this.
Our school uniform consists of the following:
â–ª A dark green school cardigan, sweatshirt or fleece
â–ª White or dark green polo-shirt/ white blouse or shirt
â–ª Grey, tailored trousers, skirt, pinafore or shorts (not leggings/jeggings)
â–ª Green & white or gold & white gingham dress
â–ª Shoes (not trainers)
â–ª White, black or grey socks/ grey or green tights
â–ª Coat appropriate for weather conditions (together with scarf & gloves when outside)
For P.E sessions, the following kit is required:
​Indoor: shorts, t-shirt and plimsolls
Outdoor: tracksuit top/ jumper, joggers and suitable trainers
No jewellery should be worn (plasters must be provided if earrings cannot be removed for any reason)
One piece costume/ fitted trunks and a towel are needed for swimming (specific year groups only)
For house activities, children will wear different coloured T-shirts:
Children in...
Bley wear blue,
Roulstone wear red,
Mills wear yellow
De Ferrers wear green.
School uniform, PE kit and house T-shirts are available from Big Fish Schoolwear at or via an order form available from the school office.
Delivery to school is free even when ordered on the website.
At different points in the year, sales of second-hand uniform are run by the Lantern Lane Fundraising Group. In the interim, if you would like to purchase second-hand uniform, please contact our school office staff, who will be happy to help with this.
How will my child benefit from wearing the school uniform?
â–ª Pupils feel a strong sense of belonging and commitment to the school.
â–ª The differences between pupils are reduced, which in turn can minimise feelings of isolation and bullying whilst improving self-esteem.
â–ª Sensible footwear is safer and more practical for activities at school.
â–ª It is more hygienic to change into PE kit for physical activity.
â–ª Security is improved – it is easy to spot those who do not belong to the school community.
â–ª It improves the image of the school in the local community.
What is unacceptable in school?
â–ª Large, dangling or hoop earrings, large chains and rings, body piercings and other items potentially causing health and safety problems for the wearer.
â–ª High heels, flip flops, open sandals, trainers, highly-coloured, glittery shoes.
â–ª Clothing with words or pictures on them which could cause offence to others.
â–ª Clothing that is so tight, short or revealing that it could cause offence to others.
â–ª Clothing advertising the use of alcohol, tobacco or other drugs.
â–ª Extremes of hair style, such as mohicans, shaved heads, and shaved patterns in the hair.
â–ª Nail varnish and make up.