At Lantern Lane, we understand that to learn best and achieve their full potential, it is important that children feel safe. We recognise the vital role we – as a school – must play in keeping children safe and therefore safeguarding is at the heart of everything that we do.
As part of our commitment to safeguarding, we:
Create an environment where children feel confident enough to go to any adult with any worry or concern that they have.
Ensure that adults in school – including volunteers – are trained in our safeguarding procedures – including spotting signs of abuse and responding to disclosures appropriately.
Through our PSHE curriculum, and in line with our intent statement, teach children the skills they need to keep themselves and others safe in the local community and the wider world.
Engage, where needed, with other professionals and agencies supporting our pupils to ensure that those in need of support get it promptly and effectively.
As a school, it is important for us to understand any worries or concerns our pupils may have and – to achieve this – we regularly undertake ‘pupil voice’ activities to allow everybody to have their say about how they feel at school. Similarly, if you feel there is a change of circumstances which may affect your child, please do not hesitate to get in contact with school.
A recent survey of how safe pupils felt in school shows how positive they feel about Lantern Lane:
We are pleased to share some of the comments our children made about life at Lantern Lane and what they have learnt about keeping themselves safe:

If the fire alarm goes off we get outside and do the register.
F1 Pupil
In assemblies we learn about online safety, road safety and not to talk to strangers.
Year 3 Pupil
Teachers report things that are not acceptable to the police and social services.
Year 6 Pupil
It makes me happy when I am listened to.
F2 Pupil
We learn how to stay safe outdoors at forest schools’
Year 3 Pupil
We learn about mental health.
Year 6 Pupil
I can talk to all grown ups but mainly I talk to the Year 1 teachers.
Year 1 Pupil
I am taught internet safety like don’t talk to strangers; never click on unknown links or profiles; report any online bullying to an adult; don’t share your personal details; play online with friends you know in real life and on websites look for a padlock sign’
Year 4 Pupil
Sometimes I fall out with my friends but I tell a grown up and they help me sort it out.
Year 2 Pupil
If you are worried you could talk to teachers or even call Childline.
Year 5 Pupil
Whilst all staff in school play an important role in safeguarding pupils, our senior staff take responsibility for making sure concerns are followed up on and the school is up to date with best safeguarding practice. At Lantern Lane, the safeguarding leads are:
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr Pete Fowlie (Headteacher)
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads: Mrs Nuala Thompson (Deputy Headteacher) and Mrs Paula Panther (Assistant Headteacher).
You can find out more about safeguarding at Lantern Lane by looking at our Child Protection Policy.
Our Anti-bullying Policy sets out what we do to protect pupils from bullying and how we respond to incidents of bullying.