Our Intent...
At Lantern Lane Primary School, we have high aspirations for all of our learners and intend that - by the end of their time with us - they are able to:

Welcome everyone and celebrate all that they have to offer;
Have the knowledge and the skills to make sense of the world in which they live in and relate to others in it;
Have the skills needed to enjoy life and learning;
Embrace diversity;
Understand what makes them the person they are;
Understand what helps them to learn best, knowing that learning is life-long;
See the value of continued hard work;
Thrive in the future regardless of change and challenges because they have the right skills and knowledge;
Have the confidence to make their own decisions;
Keep themselves & everyone else safe;
Appreciate and look after the world we share;
Develop and nurture healthy bodies & minds;
Have a curious mind, thinking independently and evaluating what they hear and see;
Take responsibility within school and beyond.
To achieve this, we aim to provide an environment that nurtures confidence, achievement, respect and enthusiasm (C.A.R.E) in all aspects of life.
C: To enable all pupils, staff, governors and parents to have the confidence in themselves to achieve their best in our school and in the wider community - both now and in the future.
A: To enable all pupils, staff, governors and parents to achieve by developing an interest in and love of learning across all areas of life.
R: For everyone to respect and value each other (both within school and the wider community) whilst also respecting authority and the environment in which we live and work.
E: To fully engage and be enthusiastic, embracing new opportunities, taking appropriate risks and responding positively to challenge.