Forest School

What is Forest School?
Forest School is an exciting opportunity for your child to experience nature and learn outdoors. At Forest School, the children learn from first-hand experience and develop skills like perseverance, independence, social skills and responsibility. These are all skills that will help them to achieve more when they are back in the classroom. Forest School sessions are made as safe as possible whilst allowing children to experience risk.
Where is our Forest School?
Our Forest School site is located within Meadow Park, near to the Bateman Road entrance.
When do we go?
In Year 3, children take part in Forest School sessions every other week throughout the year so they can experience all seasons in the woods.
Who runs Forest School?
Mrs Kandola leads the Forest School sessions, working alongside the year 3 teachers.
What are our sessions like?
Our Forest School sessions are quite different to lessons in school because we do not follow a curriculum. However, if a topic lends itself to outdoor activities (such as the Stone Age to Iron Age topic), we may link activities to what the children have been learning in class. The sessions are very much child-led and the children have the freedom to explore the woodland and choose their activities. Activities such as tree climbing, puddle jumping and relaxing in the hammocks are actively encouraged! Over the course of the year, we discuss the changing seasons and the differences we see. The children learn and build upon a range of skills and it is fascinating to see them grow and develop in the outdoors.
If you are able to help support our Forest School sessions by coming with us on a Monday afternoon, please let the Office know. Year 3 are always very grateful for volunteers.
What you should wear - have a look at our handy guide!