Admissions to school are run by Nottinghamshire County Council and all school places must be applied for through their admissions portal found here.
Admission to Foundation Unit (Nursery):
Foundation Unit places are generally available from the start of the term after a child is three years old. If you would like a place for your child, please contact the school office or complete the admission form (click here).
Priorities for admission for the 15 hours per week, universal care are:
Children looked after by a Local Authority and previously looked-after children.
Children resident in the Lantern Lane catchment area, who, at the time of admission have older siblings already at Lantern Lane.
Other children who live in the catchment area.
Other children outside the recognised catchment areas, who, at the time of admission have older siblings already at Lantern Lane.
Children who live outside the catchment area.
In the event of over subscription in any criteria, priority will be given in age order, oldest first.
Additional sessions up to 30 hours per week maximum will be allocated on a first come, first served basis irrespective of how the sessions are to be funded.
Admission to main school (F2 & above) for both September starters and in year transfers:
This is arranged through the local authority.
If you would like to find out more about our admission arrangements, then please contact our Local Authority, Nottinghamshire County Council, on 0300 5008080.
Or you can visit the website, where you can apply for a school place:
Nottinghamshire Admissions portal
Any appeals for a school place should also be completed through the local authority on the details above.
Find out more about the admissions criteria by accessing the relevant document/s below:
School Admission Policy 2025-2026
Nottinghamshire County Council Admission Arrangements 2024-2025
Nottinghamshire County Council Admission Arrangements 2025-2026
Nottinghamshire County Council Admission Arrangements 2026-2027